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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Frequently asked question

Once again, I received an email asking my why my profile picture isn't the real me. This is very upseting to me. I am writing this to set the record straight.

How could any of you ask me that question? That's me in my profile picture. I am, in fact, a disembodied eyeball. You have no idea how difficult my life has been since I came out of the lid. My parents were mortified and disowned me immediately upon my revealing my true self. All my friends deserted me, that's why I spend most of my time blogging. Additionally, it is next to impossible to stay fully moistened. I go through gallons of visine. I won't even get into how I am treated when I go to a restaurant to get a bite to eat.

I am hurt that you don't fully appreciate what I do to talk to all of you. I mean, have you ever tried typing without fingers? I have to bounce myself all over the keyboard just to type a single message. Additionally, I thought the blogosphere would be a place where I was accepted for my writing contributions rather than by my appearance.

Okay, I get the feeling you are not buying the story so I will give you a list of answers and you pick the one you think is correct.

a) I truly am a disembodied eyeball.
b) I am currently wanted in seven states.
c) I am as weird as I claim to be.
d) I am way to lazy to sort through pictures trying to find one where I don't look like a total dork.
e) My face is covered in hideous boils.

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Comments on "Frequently asked question"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:24 PM) : 

This is the real problem with society now days - people who are unaccepting of floating eyeballs.

I think your profile picture is very important because if only one person comes away feeling more comfortable about floating eyeballs then you've made a difference and that's what's important.

I applaud.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:42 PM) : 

Well I don't buy any of those reasons lol but I think every one is to into what some one looks like on the outside and not getting to know the real person. The best way to see someones true self is looking at them with your eyes closed and what happened to you on MySpace I do miss you so thats you not your picture.
Miss ya Julia
Would love to talk to you again!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:21 AM) : 

I shall never forget when we bumped into you in the Kinara in Slough and Richard said "Ah, it's eyeball man!" to which you replied "That's me!". I have always found your profile picture entirely appropriate. Why would anyone question it?


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