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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Look what this kid did.


Over six million people have viewed his little movie. Now he's getting a deal from MTV. I guess I should craft an email about My BIG Idea to MTV.

This idea is a happening thing. It's huge. Mark my words, when it hits the airwaves, my My BIG Idea is going to be as big as "Survivor" was it's first year. Exactly how can I get someone to take notice? It's not like I have a bunch of spare time to actually create the pilot. Plus, it is very different to be running around with your camera with your friends when you are 17 or 18. It's cool, it's exploration. But when you are 42-years-old, it's just kinda sad.

Oh, the humanity!!!! I am half-tempted to break my promise and send another email. Nah, I won't do it. I just hope someone in Plano reads this and decides it's an idea worth exploring.

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