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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Is there a point

Even though I don't often talk about politics on this blog, I am very interested, active and some what vocal in advancing political causes that I believe are vital to improving the health of government. Couple this with my penchant (a real word, look it up) for playing Blog Tycoon on Blog Explosion and you can probably guess that I run across a few blogs that espouse political views that are diametrically to my own beliefs. Most of the time, I patiently wait for the mandatory thirty seconds, click the correct number and move on to something more interesting. On occasion, I read something so utterly riduculous that I am obiliged, no - forced, into leaving a comment. I simply cannot hold back.

The other day, I happened upon this blowhard that seems to think his version of history is correct despite VOLUMES of documentation that he is completely off base. Since I am a trained political scientist and somewhat of a history buff (okay - you got me - I'm a history geek), I felt the compelling urge to set this guy straight. I left a fairly strongly worded, but respectfull, comment on his blog. His response? He starts by attacking me personally, telling me I am an idiot and throwing in several assumptions about issues not related to his original post or to my response. Once again, I (not so) respectfully informed him that he was a complete moron, a pretentious ignoramus and a bully.

When I returned to see his response, I was greeted with a diatribe questioning everything from my heritage to my intelligence. Additionally, he boasted that people like me were so afraid of the truth in the form of "Frank's Fury" that we retreat away in silence never to be heard from again.

Now all of you are completely attuned to my kind demeanor, razor sharp wit and my slightly above average intelligence. Appartently, his ideology prevented him from seeing how correct I was and to accept the gift of enlightenment I presented to him through my eloquent prose. When I logged in to chastize him for his illogical, irrational arguments and unkindly remarks, I was shocked to find that he was blocking my comments. Can you believe that crap? He tells the world that he has presented me with the indisputable truth with such passion that I retreated, quivering with embarrassment and the jerk doesn't even give me a chance to respond. Typical.

Now for the quiz. This pus pocket (no offense to pus pockets intended) has his wing of the over-simplified black/white division of the American political spectrum it the title of his blog. Which one is it - "right" or "left". Point made.

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