“Great book! I was quickly drawn into the story lines and character development. I really enjoyed how it all came together ...”

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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.


Sunday, August 27, 2006


Here I am, blogging my guts out for anyone that cares to take three minutes out of their life to pop by and read my informative and always entertaining posts. It is a great hobby and I really enjoy it. And let's face it, the blogoshere has been a much more enjoyable place since I began blogging back in January. As much as I hate to admit it, it's not a one way street. In fact, it has opened a whole new world for me. During the time I have been blogging, I have met several fantastic human beings that share the love of this crazy electronic escapist past-time.

But as the title of this blog suggests, I am trying to be the next great novelist. Over time, I became conviced that as the most gifted blogger to ever grace this medium, I have as much talent as most of the current "published" writers. Additionally, I am fairly certain that I have a best-seller type book in me. I know it.

So what's the big deal? The issue I am facing is that I can't decide what type of blog I want to have. Do I want to continue doing the same things I am doing, connecting with people or do I want to use my blog as an advertising platform to gain notice from a wider readership? Should I become a link whore, willing to link to any deluded sucker that is willing link back to me? Do I want to focus on establishing my repution as a blogger's blogger?

So many questions, no real answers. Some of you may relate to my dilema, others of you may wonder what all the hub-bub is all about, others may read this posts as just sniveling little whine, and can't recognize the brillance of this post and quit reading it after the first paragraph. Like I give a rat's ass. To me it's a way to think through my approach to this blog. So, comment as you like. Not that it's likely to make a big difference in what I decide to do. But what else do you have to do? Yeah, I'm a bit cranky. Did I mention - my toe hurts.

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Comments on "Crossroads"


Blogger Pamela J Weatherill said ... (5:49 PM) : 

The eternal blogging question ... what do I blog? Do people love me? Am I weird ha ha!

While Beta Blogger has meant I CAN'T blog ... yeah ... had it ripped out from under me ... I have found I am writing my OTHER stuff more (and better) ... now there's a sign ... not sure if I'll do anything with it.

(Oh if you feel like it go to www.avoidblogger.blogspot.com) !


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