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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let's create another character

We have already created Victoria, now we need to build another of the six. Who should we move on to? We could stick with the female characters. But that would be boring. Let's move on to one of the male characters, shall we? Good, I'm glad you agree. Moving on.

Let's go with Ray-zr-Edge. Our buddy Ray is 27 years old. He lives alone a very small apartment in large city. We can assume that Mr. Edge is, or at least he thinks he is, a lady's man. A real man's man. He's a thrill seeker, an adrenaline junkie. In fact, he is so addicted that he has traveled the globe in search of the rush. Free climbing, sky diving - with a snow board, helicopter snow-boarding. His iPod is his constant companion.

In spite of all his activities, he is very depressed. We're not sure if he is depressed because he uses up his seratonin or if it is for another reason. You know the answer though don't you? This guy is the loneliest person on the planet. From a very earlier age, he had difficulty relating to others.

Being isolated his entire life has shunted his ability to handle social situations. The only exception is that he can lay down a rap when his is talking to women. The primary reason for his success with women is that he is in it for the hunt. Once he has conquered the challenge, he is unable to relate to the woman in any meaningful way. He just fades back to his small, dark apartment and starts blogging.

One of his blogs is filled with his original drawings and short verse. Both convey his loneliness, but only have a hint of the true darkness he feels. Even in a creative forum he is unable to acknowledge the emptiness inside. The other blog is a very braggadocios display of photographs and descriptions of his thrill seeking adventures.

Whoa, is that a little heavy? Maybe, but that's the way I see the guy.

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Copyright (c) 2006 Paul Gavin. All rights reserved.

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