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Location: Liberty Lake, Washington, United States

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The writing of Paul Gavin featuring novels, short stories, anecdotes, politics and anything else that's on my mind.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Why I am doing this

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to tell stories. Funny stories, crazy stories, ghost stories - you name it. There was never a time when I couldn't come up with a story. I made a few attempts at writing in college. But it always seemed like something, drinking maybe, got in the way.

Then after college, life seemed to get in the way. To me, the one of the most important things in life is being able to carrying my own weight. That means paying rent, buying car insurance, food - you get the idea. Even though my parents always had money - nothing extravagant - but they could have given me spending money, paid for my college and subsidized me and my wife after we graduated while I spent time becoming a writer. But,I preferred to make my own money. That meant I had to work which I have been doing since I was 13-years old.

I spent my twenties working at some pretty crappy jobs for very low pay, but I always made enough to do what I needed to do. Finally, I got sick of that life and went back to school – which I managed to pay for and still kept paying the mortgage.

My thirties were spent making up for all the time I lost working to live. Living the American dream, stimulating the economy, buying this and that, traveling over there and having a great time doing it. But I still felt the need to tell stories. Finally, five years ago, I sat down and wrote my first novel – “Progressing Rapidly Over Uneven Terrain”. Then I set about the daunting task of getting someone to read it – not an easy thing to do. After getting no response from agents or publishers, I decided to self-publish. Even though it’s been available online for two years at, I’ve only sold 9 copies.

Currently, I am writing a new story and I would like to serialize here to see if others think I have the talent that I think I have and maybe build a readership. I have a seemingly endless supply of stories, but it doesn’t seem to make much sense to write them down if no one is reading them, does it? I will post the first chapter tonight and then do a chapter a week to see what you think.

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